The Easy Way to Detect Beryllium Using the BeFinder Method
BeFinder is a method for detecting particulates of beryllium and its compounds by optical fluorescence. This methodology does not require expensive set-up and can yield results within an hour. The method entails wiping the surface suspected of having beryllium contamination with a wipe, dissolving the beryllium on the wipe and then testing a small fraction of this solution by fluorescence when combined with a dye. The remaining solution may be used for future reference or for confirmation by an alternative method. The method can also be applied to air samples.

Simple to Use: BeFinder is based on the widely employed sampling format already used by industrial hygienists. Samples are collected in accordance with an approved protocol.
Low Capital and Operations Cost: Does not require use of sophisticated equipment or highly trained personnel.
Field or Laboratory Deployable: BeFinder can be used in the field to provide immediate results. The rapid nature of the test and its simplicity of use make it ideal for beryllium “housekeeping” or analyzing samples quickly and inexpensively.
Specific: BeFinder is specific to beryllium and avoids interferences with other elements.
Accurate and Non-Destructive: BeFinder is accurate and shown to correlate well with other techniques. Since a small fraction of the sample is consumed in the test, almost all of the residual sample may be retained for archival purposes or running additional tests.
Sensitive: The test can be routinely used to quantify from 0.002 micrograms on the media. This meets all known regulatory requirements for wipes and air. Using the patented detection solutions from Berylliant (Product HS-3), the machine detection limit in the high resolution mode is 0.2ng.
Less Hazardous Chemicals and Waste: The chemicals used are lower in toxicity and in smaller amount.
Included in the terms of purchase of this product is a limited license from Berylliant Inc for its use to detect beryllium using the technology owned by Berylliant. Further, the technology rights from Berylliant Inc under this license are only conveyed when equipment and materials are purchased from Berylliant Inc. or its appointed agent. The technology from Berylliant is covered under several patents and pending patents.
Limited License
Included in the terms of purchase of this product is a limited license from Berylliant Inc for its use to detect beryllium using the technology owned by Berylliant. Further, the technology rights from Berylliant Inc under this license are only conveyed when equipment and materials are purchased from Berylliant Inc. or its appointed agent. The technology from Berylliant is covered under several patents and pending patents.